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Reiki It is said that physical and emotional ailments usually start outside the body in our energy field. Blockages (disruptions) in that field can promote stress, dis-ease, anxiety, depression, as well as contribute to physical ailments.

Reiki is a healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that promotes healing in the energetic, mental, and physical body. We all have an energy field around us and in us, this is why Reiki is not tied to any spiritual or religious belief systems. As we encounter stressful situations in life and work, major life changes, relationship troubles with others, trauma from the past/present, and the state of the world in general, the energy field can become “stuck” from (and with) these unwanted energies. Having energy that is stuck can cause mental, emotional, and even physical problems. Depression, anxiety, not being open to love or pleasure, feeling “weighed down” / “heavy” are all signs that there are blockages in your energy field. Reiki is incredibly useful for those dealing with emotional trauma and stress as it clears out energy and blockages that are not serving you, and brings your energy centers into balance so that you can heal and feel better.

The results are amazing when you start tapping into this part of your body that you may not have even known existed. Clients find that once they start coming in for regular Reiki sessions, they start to become more “aware” of their energy field, and when and how it is being affected. You may start to notice how certain people and life situations are affecting you more than you did previously. You may start to see what and who is no longer serving you. You will begin to notice a more clear and level head when working through difficult situations. You will not be as reactive to situations and start to come from a place of peaceful understanding.

The Process A Reiki session treats the 7 major chakras (a full chakra balancing is part of a Reiki session), as well as the full body energy field. The session starts with a chakra examination (and brief explanation of each one), identifying any blockages / unhealthy chakras. You will be able to see where you are open and blocked in your energy field. Then, using a series of hand positions throughout the entire body, the practitioner lightly touches on different points on your body to help get you into a deeply relaxed state, while also clearing any blockages in the energy field. At the end of the session your whole energy field is flowing open and working together. Feeling “lighter”, more clear headed, and more peaceful are usually some of the immediate results you will have.

The Experience While receiving Reiki, the client will lie comfortably on a massage table while listening to soothing music in soft lighting. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. You will feel warmth, waves of movement, tingling, and buzzing. You may drift into a meditative state, fall asleep, or be completely aware of what is going on inside and around your body. It may even allow you to “work through” things going on in your mind in a comfortable, calm, and relaxed setting. The intention is to create deep relaxation, help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing. Reiki sessions allow you to have a calm and safe “space” to promote self healing in whatever way your body needs.

Anyone can receive Reiki, it can do no harm and can compliment any western medicine you may be receiving. You just need to come in with an open mind and ready to receive. Reiki has NO religious affiliation, no matter what your beliefs are it will only help you feel more open and connected to “Source”. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation, feelings of peace, security and well-being.

Reiki sessions and all healing practitioner trainings should be used with the understanding that Reiki is part of a holistic treatment plan. Reiki is not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany and work along with it. The information contained on this site, and all of the services, products and courses offered, Reiki or otherwise, are metaphysical in nature and do not claim to cure anything.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another